Thursday, March 29, 2012

Slow Start ~ It's Tough Waiting for Someone to review your book proof and worrying about Alan.

I haven't been posting much because I've been waiting for my proof of "It's All a Matter of Choice" to be reviewed.  It's infuriating but it can't be rushed.  It's going on two weeks now.  Sigh.  In the interim I've been doing freelance work, scraping together what customers I can.  I've also been visiting my friend in the hoosegow and keeping him in cigarettes and change for the vending machine.  Not easy to do when you live hand to mouth, but he doesn't have anyone else, you know?

I'm also a little concerned about him, because he's been given trustee work, which means he gets to leave the block and work around the building, and the other inmates are jealous of him and trying to start trouble with him.  If you get in trouble, you can't be a trustee.  Plus, he's one of the few white guys in there and the problems are along color lines, you know?

I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, but now I really want him to come home. Sigh.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Preview of "Sahara: A Shifter's Tale!" Go take a peek!

Get your red-hot preview right here! XD Seriously, I got to pick the part I wanted previewed, so it's not at the beginning of the book. How can anyone get a feel for a story at the beginning? Leave your thoughts, I have questions! ***
Read a few pages of Sahara online right now!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Nothing says LOVE like Westboro Church, and I mean NOTHING . . .

These people wouldn't know love if it kicked them in the keister.

Westboro Baptist Church members picketing outside Santorum event in Topeka:

My Roomie's in the Hoosegow and I am Guiltily Happy about it . . .

I know.  What kind of freaking friend am I to feel celebratory at someone close to me getting locked up?

I'm the kind of friend thankful to be getting a break.  I'm the kind of friend that took someone with no place to go into my household.  I'm the kind of friend that helped him get benefits he qualified for.  I'm the kind of friend that pays all the bills and made an agreement with him that he'd take care of the household and my bikes in exchange for living here.

I'm the kind of friend that has been going through a small hell with petty arguments, complaints from neighbors and no feeling of peace in my own home.  I'm the kind of friend that has been taken for granted.

I'm a very tired friend.

Welcome, sweet solitude.  You have been greatly mourned and missed.  I applaud your resurrection.  Pull up a chair and sit for a while and return to me my peace and serenity.

He'll be gone a month or two, and I can look forward to a month or two of no arguments, no misplaced items, no competing for the kitchen, no one complaining my television is too loud, no nagging . . . I can sit around completely naked for days on end if I want, and intend to.

I suppose I should feel guilty about feeling so happy and relieved for this respite.  I do feel a little guilty, but the smile won't leave my face.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, all is good in the world!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is it with Writers and Alcohol????

Ok, I have to admit it. I have a love for the drink. Getting a nice buzz is stellar and my poison of choice is vodka, although I have a weakness for jeigermeister bombs.

Do I drink to excess?

Sometimes I might have a little more than I intended. But mostly  it's at home and the buzz is smooth and relaxes me. (The Lil Texas Bar half a block away being the only occasional exception and that's because I feel "social.)  If I don't get a buzz, then it's not worth it, and I won't drink at all if I don't have enough alcohol to get to that level of buzz.  Inversely, if I do tie one on, I might not have another drink for a week or two.  I'm not as young as I used to be.

It's nice to have limits.

Anyway, there's a bit of a need for validation sometimes, other than I just want to get ripped. Rationalization helps immensely.

 There are a number of great, famous writers who enjoyed rippedness (my word)to the point of downfall, and I decided to share the list here. Rather than just list them, I put in a link.

Now, it's really no excuse for over-boozing, even if you are creative and sensitive. It's just a little trivia that can go a long way as well as provide a reality check.  The ending for many of these writers wasn't good, and is definitely tragic. A couple overcame their love of the drink, but many of them didn't.

I wish I could say I drink to forget the terrible aspects of my life. I do have terrible aspects of my life from the past, but I'm a person who doesn't blame them for my present. You can do what you like in the here and now, so that's just weak. Again I have to admit, I really enjoy the buzz.

Still, I find it interesting how many great writers share my weakness to a much greater extent, and how it affected their lives. Check them out for yourself.

Top 15 Great Alcoholic Writers

And remember, if you occasionally over-indulge, you're in good company.  Just don't take it as far as the writers we loved and lost. At Shimmer's End: Volume 3: A Substitute Lover Will Do (Protectors of the Realm) eBook: Ruth Solomon: FREE at the Kindle Store

Yep, that's right. You can download this ebook of my serial novel completely free for 24 hours.  Promotion ends at midnight, March 8th 2012! . Don't have a Kindle?  That's fine! Just download's Kindle app that works on more computers. *** At Shimmer's End: Volume 3: A Substitute Lover Will Do (Protectors of the Realm) eBook: Ruth Solomon: Kindle Store

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Latest Installment of "At Shimmer's End" Volume 4 is Now Available!

Very naughty, very, very naughty installment. Not for the prudish! Download a copy today! At Shimmer's End: Volume 4: A Not-So-Golem Lover (Protectors of the Realm) eBook: Ruth Solomon: Books

The Latest Installment of "At Shimmer's End" Volume 4 is Now Available!

Very naughty, very, very naughty installment. Not for the prudish! Download a copy today! At Shimmer's End: Volume 4: A Not-So-Golem Lover (Protectors of the Realm) eBook: Ruth Solomon: Books

JKR Got Away with Literary Murder . . . and No One Cared

I can just imagine the gasps at the title of this one. Literary murder? Is Ruth going to try and trash JK. Rowlings???

Heck no. I am a big fan of JKR, and will forever love her for creating one Severus Snape. I wasn't happy she snuffed him, but you can't have everything.

But, she did get away with something.

Mary-Sueism. Yep. That's right. One of her most beloved characters is a flaming Mary-Sue.

And that character is the indomitable Hermione Granger.

Don't believe me? Hermione is a Mary Sue. She's smarter than everyone else, does better magic, fearlessly faces death for her friends time and time again, and grows into a very beautiful witch. Yes, she does. The proof of that is that Fenrir the werewolf takes a second look at her when in the Forest of Dean. It's the only reference, other than the Triwizard Ball classic "blossoming beauty" scene when she enters all dolled up and everyone is amazed that they never noticed how gorgeous she was before. However did they miss that?

But, my claim isn't just based on my opinion, oh no. I actually researched it and have solid evidence that Hermione Granger is little miss perfect with no flaws. She's made mistakes, but she is solid Sue in character.

The great thing is, you can come to the same conclusion I did using this little test:


This has to be one of the most awesome character development tools online.  I love it.  The way it works is simple.  Just put in all of Hermione's characteristics according to the books and get the results.  The only variable is you have to try and do it from JKR's viewpoint and not your own.  So there's going to be a few assumptions.

Now, I have to add, JKR has proved that having a Mary-Sue/Marty-Stu character or two isn't necessarily a bad thing at all.  Harry Potter was a flaming Marty-Stu as well.  He had the coolest wand, the lightning bolt shaped scar, was the focus of the most powerful, dangerous wizard in existence, overcame all kinds of magical dilemmas, was courageous, was the Hope of the wizarding world, was a secret Horcrux and most of all, didn't need therapy after growing up with the Dursleys and living under a staircase the first formative years of his life.

How Stu can you get?

Of the golden trio, it was Ronald Weasley who was the Non-Stu.  He was jealous, petty, thoughtless, and annoying, just like most people.  I think this is the real reason a lot of people don't like the idea of him with the perfect Hermione Granger in the epilogue.

He's too ordinary to deserve her marvelousness.

If you have time, visit that Universal Mary Sue Litmus test and put in a few of your favorite literary characters.  A lot of our beloved authors got away with creating characters that are just too good to be true.

And that's why we call it Fiction.

Trapping Neighbors into Reading Your Books and Giving You Face to Face Reviews

Let's face it. I'm never going to get rich writing. No, this isn't a pessimistic viewpoint. It is what it is. If I published simply in the hope that I'd get rich, I wouldn't have done it. I just want to leave something of myself behind. Not that getting rich would be a bad thing, but it's not what I'm striving for. And I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.

That said, I still want people to like what I write. And to be honest I do have thousands of fanfic reviews from readers who like my take on things. I even have a couple of hundred on original stories I've posted, mostly positive. But I'm telling you, there's nothing like talking face to face with a person who likes your work.

When my first proof arrived for Sahara, I had it for five minutes before I went to my neighbor Joanne's house, and asked her to read it. She gave me a look like "Oh God." I could tell she had little faith in my storytelling abilities. Joanne has to be one of the most opinionated people in the complex. But, she didn't want to tell me no.

That's exactly what I was counting on. She said it might take a while because she was "busy." That's code for "your book is probably so boring it's going to take a lifetime for me to read it." or "I've got better things to do with my time."

Perfect reader. Not in love with me, doubtful, critical and ye of little faith all combined.

Today, she saw me outside and called me over.

"I'm hooked," she said. "What I like is you don't fill the story up with a lot of unnecessary details. I don't need to know how many veins are in a leaf twirling in the wind on a tree."

I saw my book resting on a small stool in front of her favorite chair, a bookmark stuck in the middle of it. She picked it up and said, "See the bookmark matches the book!" She was all enthusiasm.

Now, Joanne will probably never ever leave a review on Amazon. She's not a net person. But as she talked about the characters and what they did (like I didn't know) I felt very fulfilled, happy, because my story made an impact. It doesn't matter the world will never hear her enthusiasm.

I did.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Emmet Barrows is a Flaming Marty-Stu and why I wrote him that way . . .

My major protagonist (good guy) in my novel, Emmet Barrows is a flaming Marty-Stu

In case you are unfamiliar with the definition of a Mary-Sue/Marty-Stu character it is this:

A character who is so perfect as to be annoying.

Emmet Barrows IS perfect, technically. But as his love interest Anita surmised: He's just packaged wrong.

When I started to write this story, I didn't want it to be same old, same old in the romance/plot department. Let's face it, the men in romance novels are generally:

1. Ruggedly handsome
2. Dominant
3. Able to kick ass
4. Sexual
5. Has a body like Odonis
6. Is "the leader"
7. Experienced lover
8. Has a rough past that made him the way he is.

There's more, but that gives the general idea about it. And the women who love them are generally

1. Sheltered
2. Innocent
3. Virgins
4. Relentlessly pursued/stalked/abducted
5. Helpless in most situations

I didn't want Emmet to be that kind of leading man and I wanted to show that the nerdy guys that women don't look twice at can have wonderful qualities and be just as or even more attractive than their blustering, well-abbed counterparts. I wanted my major character to show how sensitivity, kindness and quiet chivalry can make all the difference. So, Emmet Barrows was born.

Emmet is the consummate antithesis "good to his mother" character.

1. He's never been intimate with a woman
2. People take advantage of him
3. He lives with his mother
4. He is low man on the totem pole at work
5. He doesn't dress well
6. He drives a hoopty
7. His mother manipulates him
8. He's skinny as a rail
9. He lacks confidence

He seems like a real loser on the surface, doesn't he? But let's look at his good points:

1. He has a good work ethic
2. He is good at his job
3. He is polite and generous
4. He believes women should be treated with respect
5. He's invested his money wisely
6. Has a modest temperment
7. Is well aware of how he is perceived
8. He loves his mother
9. He isn't selfish or manipulative
10. Is very intelligent
11. He's "well-endowed" (One blatantly redeeming feature. XD)

These are very good qualities but they are also what makes him a Marty-Stu. But, in his defense he's not a Marty-Stu because he is more perfect than the other characters, but because he's lived a very sheltered life and has the values instilled in him by his father when it comes to women. Some of those ideals are dated, but in this day and age, it's refreshing. At least I think so.

What's nice about the story is we get to see the ugly duckling kind of turn into a swan. But he's not the one who's changed. It's the perceptions of others that have changed concerning him. It's amazing how a simple thing like a change of wardrobe and an attractive lover can make people perceive a winner who has always been one.

We also get to see him become Anita's lover and experience all the trepidation, worry and desire he feels. Also his hesitation because he doesn't want to drive her off. In fact, he's willing to do almost anything to have her stay. And we get to vicariously experience both of their delight in the discovery of each other's bodies as well as souls.

Emmet doesn't handle adversity in the mannish, sword-buckling, tough guy approach. He approaches difficult situation with problem-solving skills, going right to the root of it. The way he handles Anita's trashy father isn't ideal but it works.

That's another thing that makes him a Marty-Stu. Whatever he tries, it works. But in the realm of this world and how much effort he puts into everything he does, logically it should work. It doesn't feel forced. It simply feels as if he applies everything he's learned in his life, his decent values.

Don't be fooled, this is one hot story, but the explicitness of their intimacy is couched in a real storyline. There is humor, drama, romance, violence, abuse and very dark situations. There is also redemption.

What I wanted to put out here with Emmet was the message not to overlook the awkward, quiet guys in the corners. They could be pure gold.

Emmet might have the makings of a Marty-Stu, but he's a Marty-Stu I can live with.

Publishing a book that's been published by a Publisher (Say it 3 times fast)

Formatting my book and designing the cover was much easier the last time around, and I got a little savvier. This is a bit different than Sahara simply because this book was already published in the ebook format by a publisher under my pen name Liberty Allure.

But I retained the print publishing rights to the book so now there are marked differences.

1. The book cover is different

2. The book is published under my own name not Liberty Allure

3. The book now has a dedication and acknowlegements.

There was a little weirdness in the formatting though. The margins I used in the last book didn't work in this second book. The template was off somehow. But other than that, the process was much smoother. Still I was so amped up, I couldn't get to sleep until around 5 this morning. Since it is now 8 in the morning, it's obvious I am totally sleep deprived.

I need coffee.

Oh and here is the new book cover:

Now, it might not look it, but those cherries are very suggestive, especially on the back cover where they are reversed and sort of remind me of a pair of er . . . you know. lol.

Considering in this book, we have a "green" male rather than a virgin female, somehow two hanging cherries seemed perfectly appropriate.

Another difference is that with this book, I didn't "clean it up." There are very graphic, detailed sex scenes, such as chapters titled:

Emmet Takes a Dive (His first experience with cunnilingus)


Fellatio 101 (I think this title speaks for itself)

but it is completely couched in all the fluffy romance we ladies like. It's more of a feeling of being a fly on the wall than a randy cheering squad when things between them get intimate.

It's dirty, but in a good way.

I might talk a little about Emmet later.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Contraception War Goes On -

Contraception War Goes On -

Great Article! Everyone should read this, it's history and it's important!

Watching a perfectly awful movie and LOVING it . . .

I have a thing for B movies. The worse they are, the better I like them. :) I'm watching a real stinker called "The One Warrior," and I just have to share the awfulness with you!

Enjoy . . . or cringe. Whatever. :)

Funniest Quote of Yesterday from my fbf Jodi . . .

All right, my fbf Jodi is an enigma.  She can apparently bake anything, but swears she can't "cook" anything.  I guess baking isn't cooking, per se.  She makes marvelous bread, pies, truffles (chocolate with bacon), cakes, brownies, muffine etc.


She eats like 3 things.  Period.  And I think they come out of a box. XD.  Yes, my friend Jodi is a true enigma, but I love her (and her choco/bacon truffles.)

Anyway, the funniest quote of yesterday came from Jodi upon being informed I bought a muffin pan last week, and haven't used it yet . . .

Jodi:"Come to the dark side, Ruth. We have muffins!"

How could something so benign sound so decadent?  And hilarious?  Jodi, the Darth Vader of Baking. XDD

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Skivving off . . . le sigh

I have an assignment to do, but am skivving off.  I do better writing when it's not forced so I'm going to wait until tomorrow.  Beside I don't feel good.

Whine. Moan. Whiiiiine.

I have an upset stomach or something.  I hate being sick.  Not the most interesting post, but at least I posted.  Oh, I read someplace that Mitt Romney made another verbal gaffe concerning poor people.

"I love poor people.  They taste like chicken."

XD  I can soooo imagine him saying that. lol!

Got the proof of my book, it's big, beautiful and was out the door in 5 minutes

I took it right over to my neighbor and asked her to read it.  She's very opinionated so she'll tell me what she really thinks.  You can't give your books to friends or family to read.  It's always going to be "great!"  You need someone who doesn't love you. lol.  Sad, but true.  It'll probably take a week if not two, because she's gone back to work and doesn't have the time she had over the winter.  But I can wait.