Friday, February 24, 2012

Book is formatted, designed and submitted. Now the waiting game

Okay, create space has my book and is reviewing it to make sure it meets all the specifications.  I'll know in 48 hours.  The royalties aren't very big on print on demand books, not as good as Kindle books but every author wants to see her book in print.  I'm not going to get rich on it.  I'm probably going to spend the $25 to get expanded distribution.  That way it can be ordered by a variety of stores, be place in libraries, that kind of thing. It sounds like a good investment and it will be the only cash investment I've made.  Did I mention the ISBN number was FREE?

All right, now that I'm done killing myself over this book, I really need to get to work on my freelance assignment.  I also really want to skive off for another day.  Choices, choices.

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