Saturday, February 25, 2012

Poor Little Webpage

It's like pulling teeth.  But I chose a better author pic rather than the "glamour" shot I had from Walmart. I mean it looks good, but I don't really look like that.  My eyebrows need a lawn mower.

I much better prefer the pic of me sitting on my porch that looks like I'm a tourist in Jamaica.

That's the real me.  Chunky and all :)   But my poor little website has nothing but my pic, a couple of links and the standard "Under Construction" explanation, like no one can tell it needs more work.  I don't want to put too much on it, but I will be putting up little things I write for visitors to enjoy or rip to shreds.  I guess I'll have to put up a guestbook page.  I hate doing them because of all the lurking spambots on the web, just waiting to bless me with links that will help my non-existent penis "get longer and stronger," or tell me that "Kim is lonely tonight" like I care.  Kim is probably my age, wearing cold cream, pink curlers and run-over fuzzy slippers.

I didn't realize it was so late.  Night all. :)


  1. Looked at your in-progress website. The blue against black is really easy to read! I like. :-)

    Like your Amazon page too. Can't wait to do mine.

    1. Next book you publish, try CreateSpace :) Or an ebook. Amazon basically generates the Author Page itself. I love automation.XD

    2. I've looked at CreateSpace. Bookmarked it. But I really like that Book Patch site you sent me too.

      I'll have to do a side-by-side analysis of the two and see what seems best. Though I'm pretty sure you can publish wherever you want even if you go through Book Patch.

      I do know that within 8 weeks (or less) of publishing through Lulu, "Echoes" should automatically post to Amazon. (They do B&N too, but I'd have to pay for the listing, $145 is beyond my means.)

    3. That is way beyond my means too. CreateSpace has expanded distribution to all major stores and outlets for $25 per book and the free IBSN number they give you is usable in all the markets. Ingram can pick it up and that's a BIG distributor.

  2. Thanks. Wish I could take the credit but I decided to match it to my blog since I like this setup so much. Very clean. Easy to read through.

  3. And you should post some poetry on Wattpad and get a following. They have a poetry section. Works sort of like fanfiction. They leave comments, etc. That's going to be my first suggestion on the book promotion page.

    Get a following.

    1. I'm uncomfortable posting original work on-line that hasn't been officially published - and then trying to prove it was mine if someone posted it somewhere else.

      My first book is all poetry (plus art).

    2. Technically, the date of publication is like your copyright, first come first serve. But many people feel like you do. When I worked for a music production company, the owner used to hope and pray someone would steal a song, do all the work on it, then publish it. Then he could collect without any outlay.

      Well, you're going to have to give up a little something sooner or later. You have to find your audience. You know, chum the water a bit. :)

      I actually put up a couple of poems on Wattpad from my book "A Universe Inversed." Not happy poems . . . it's about being locked up. It's under the title "What Jail Taught Us" which is the name of one of the poems.

    3. Amanda, is it your artwork? Did you make it?

    4. The artwork in my book?

      Yes, either I made it, photographed it, drew it, my parents photographed it (there's some little kid pix of me in the book), or Teresa drew it for the book.

      Everyone is credited.

    5. That is awesome. I'll be glad when it's available for sale. :))
