Monday, March 5, 2012

Publishing a book that's been published by a Publisher (Say it 3 times fast)

Formatting my book and designing the cover was much easier the last time around, and I got a little savvier. This is a bit different than Sahara simply because this book was already published in the ebook format by a publisher under my pen name Liberty Allure.

But I retained the print publishing rights to the book so now there are marked differences.

1. The book cover is different

2. The book is published under my own name not Liberty Allure

3. The book now has a dedication and acknowlegements.

There was a little weirdness in the formatting though. The margins I used in the last book didn't work in this second book. The template was off somehow. But other than that, the process was much smoother. Still I was so amped up, I couldn't get to sleep until around 5 this morning. Since it is now 8 in the morning, it's obvious I am totally sleep deprived.

I need coffee.

Oh and here is the new book cover:

Now, it might not look it, but those cherries are very suggestive, especially on the back cover where they are reversed and sort of remind me of a pair of er . . . you know. lol.

Considering in this book, we have a "green" male rather than a virgin female, somehow two hanging cherries seemed perfectly appropriate.

Another difference is that with this book, I didn't "clean it up." There are very graphic, detailed sex scenes, such as chapters titled:

Emmet Takes a Dive (His first experience with cunnilingus)


Fellatio 101 (I think this title speaks for itself)

but it is completely couched in all the fluffy romance we ladies like. It's more of a feeling of being a fly on the wall than a randy cheering squad when things between them get intimate.

It's dirty, but in a good way.

I might talk a little about Emmet later.

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