Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is it with Writers and Alcohol????

Ok, I have to admit it. I have a love for the drink. Getting a nice buzz is stellar and my poison of choice is vodka, although I have a weakness for jeigermeister bombs.

Do I drink to excess?

Sometimes I might have a little more than I intended. But mostly  it's at home and the buzz is smooth and relaxes me. (The Lil Texas Bar half a block away being the only occasional exception and that's because I feel "social.)  If I don't get a buzz, then it's not worth it, and I won't drink at all if I don't have enough alcohol to get to that level of buzz.  Inversely, if I do tie one on, I might not have another drink for a week or two.  I'm not as young as I used to be.

It's nice to have limits.

Anyway, there's a bit of a need for validation sometimes, other than I just want to get ripped. Rationalization helps immensely.

 There are a number of great, famous writers who enjoyed rippedness (my word)to the point of downfall, and I decided to share the list here. Rather than just list them, I put in a link.

Now, it's really no excuse for over-boozing, even if you are creative and sensitive. It's just a little trivia that can go a long way as well as provide a reality check.  The ending for many of these writers wasn't good, and is definitely tragic. A couple overcame their love of the drink, but many of them didn't.

I wish I could say I drink to forget the terrible aspects of my life. I do have terrible aspects of my life from the past, but I'm a person who doesn't blame them for my present. You can do what you like in the here and now, so that's just weak. Again I have to admit, I really enjoy the buzz.

Still, I find it interesting how many great writers share my weakness to a much greater extent, and how it affected their lives. Check them out for yourself.

Top 15 Great Alcoholic Writers

And remember, if you occasionally over-indulge, you're in good company.  Just don't take it as far as the writers we loved and lost.

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