Tuesday, May 1, 2012

B Movies and the Writing Process . . . Who Would of Thought It?

Yes, I love B movies, and I love BAD movies.  That's right.  As many of my friends know I make it a point to track down the worst movies ever made and watch them.  I enjoy them.  Few people can understand WHY I like bad movies so much . . .

I think I've finally figured it out.  They help me write.  Now wait, hear me out.

One thing bad movies really do for you is help hone your ability to pick out what is feasible and what isn't feasible in a story.  What's campy and what isn't campy.  Bad movies help you to identify what's wrong with a scene.  That can really come in handy when you're into writing scenes.  If it reads like a bad movie . . . you will be aware of it and make the changes necessary, unless you're purposely writing camp.  (Which I occasionally do for the fun of it.)

So, my fellow writers, don't look down your nose at that one or two star flick!  Break out the pepto and the barf bags, or the beer, or the wine and cheese depending on how prepared you are for bad movies, and WATCH and LEARN!

(I've been looking for a way to rationalize my love of crappy movies, and now, I've found it.  Huzzah! XD)

Movie suggestion:  Troll 2 :)

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