Friday, February 24, 2012

Enjoyed Bill Maher but was multi-tasking, formatting a book for print

Best line ever:  Bill Maher on Newt Gingrinch:

"If he was any slimier, you could kill him with a box of salt."


He had a lot of zingers, but I was too engaged in trying to format my book "Sahara" for print distribution.  Amazon CreateSpace lets you format a book for print, then prints it on demand for any customer that orders it.  They offer formatting services, but man, they are pricey.  But they do give you a free IBSN number.

It appears to be simplicity itself.  They give you a nice Word template, already formated to book size.  You just have to paste your text into it.  Sounds easy right?  It is, until you look at the whole thing and find the formattings gone screwy.  After you fix up the oversized headers and huge gaps in the text, you upload it for an initial review.  Of course, the formatting is all wrong.  Words supposed to be formatted into the middle of the page are at the top, words formatted to be at the bottom are in the middle, part of the text is outside the margins . . . argh.

So I'm on like my 6th upload.  I'm determined.  And then there's the cover.  Again you get the template, but you have to design the cover with the spine and back cover.  You need a calculator to figure how big the spine has to be based on the number of pages in the book.  I see why people pay a couple of hundred dollars for the professional services.  They're frustrated.  But I am determined to get it right.   I also need to work on my Author Page at  It's rather sad with that "Coming Soon" text and pic of my book.  But in time.  I'm completely skivving off on a freelance assignment I have to do.  I already received the deposit.  Luckily it's a subject I'm familiar with.  Hopefully I'll knock it out tomorrow or Saturday in a couple of hours.  Well, that's it for tonight.  Take care.

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