Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's not pretty, but it's dinner.

I've been trying to eat less starchy foods and cutting down on sugar to control my sugar levels.  I've been doing pretty well. but it's not always easy.  I have to avoid white breads, potatoes, noodles and most inexpensive food stuffs that stretch meals when you're on a budget.  I've been experimenting with whole wheat flours and nut flours, making my own breads and breading.  It's not too bad.

But tonight I made a brown Jasmine rice dish, the Jasmine rice being provided by a good Facebook friend.  I couldn't find it here, so she sent me some.  Brown rice is rather chewy and you have to get used to it.  Tonight I made a kind of rice-a-roni, using brown rice instead of white.  The seasoning was a combo of the following:

chicken boullion
onion flakes
dill weed
coriander (I didn't have lemon pepper)
Tiny bit of salt

I don't have the measurements.  It was basically more shakes of what I liked and less shakes of what I'm not wild about.

I browned 1 cup of  brown rice in butter for about 3 minutes, then added 3 cups of hot water and the seasoning mix.  I brought it to a boil and dropped the heat to a simmer for 50 minutes.  It takes twice as long plus to cook brown rice.

It was rather salty because I didn't have the proper balance of bullion to rice, so what I did was add some cooked greens and some grated carrots left over from juicing.  It tastes delicious, but looks awful. XD

Since I'm an author, it makes this particular quote even more poignant . . . don't just a book by it's cover, or a rice dish by it's color. :)  Too yummy, y'all. ****

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