Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keeping It Simple, Sister: The KISS Method of Web Design

I'm in the process of designing my author website.  This blog is fantastic, but every author should have a site.  It doesn't have to be flashy, just provide information and some interesting content.

I've decided that since I have this blog, and my website links to this blog, I didn't want my visitors too jarred at the differences between my website and my blog.  The way I'm approaching it is to

A. Make my website colors and set up like my blog site setup
B. Make my website stand out from my blog site.

You can see my blog right now.  Black background, lettering in white and shades of blue.  It's a nice combination and easy on the eyes.

My website is going to be a simple design of  tables, common fonts, hyperlinks and clickable images.  The table setup is almost exactly like my blog setup but I did something a little different on my website.  You can see it here:

I created a table with a maximum fixed width of 800 pixels.  I did that so the site will remain fixed in space no matter the screen resolution, or at least I hope it will.  I have a couple of browsers I will use to check it out.  Most people have a larger resolution on their monitor.

I think the blue makes a pretty contrast to the black and compliments the blue lettering.  But the best thing about it is it is quick loading because the background is a color and not an image.

Provided I don't put too many large graphics on the site (which I don't plan to do) even people using dial-up will be able to access the pages.

If I do put video or other stream-heavy content on the site, it will be in a separate area so as not to slow anyone's browsing.

I'm KISSing my website, which means I'm Keeping It Simple, Sister. :)

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