Monday, February 27, 2012

Tough Day in Real Life

Had to deal with my roomie Alan's anxiety today. Sweats, palpitations, shakes, nausea and paranoia.  The best way to handle anxiety is to adjust the focus.  First, we talked about what he was feeling, and I reassured him that things would be all right, then I went on the web and read to him about how anxiety works, then things he could do, like the 5-2-5 breathing exercises that will get more oxygen into the body.  Then I put on a song that always makes him laugh, then some comedy.  He recovered somewhat.  It didn't help that this wasn't anxiety brought on by a condition, but one brought on by alcohol withdrawal.  Alan drinks beer like soda, and for the last week he's been indulging heavily.  He doesn't really get "drunk" because he's so used to it, but it still has to affect his body.  I kept telling him to ease up, but he didn't listen.  So, when he finally ran out of beer, his body wanted more.  Hence the feelings of anxiety and the physical symptoms.  He's still going through the physical aches and pains, but he's calmer now, less anxious.

Proof positive that a person should exercise moderation in everything.  He's promised to take a few days off.  He'd better.

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