Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Storyline Characterization I Absolutely Hate

Ok, this particular characterization can add some much needed drama to a storyline, especially a thriller, but I can't stand it.  And this is the characterzation:

A wife/girlfried who complains about her man going off to do a dangerous job and adding to his stress.

Now probably this man has been doing this job before he met his woman.  It's probably how he supports his family.  Suddenly, the wife decides he shouldn't do his job anymore,  that's it's hurting their relationship, taking up too much of his time, could possibly get him killed and she doesn't want him to take his next bill-paying assignment.

Realistically, wouldn't she have thought about this before she got involved?  Okay, I know such plotlines are meant to enhance the story, but shouldn't there be just a touch of realism in fiction?


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